Saturday, May 31, 2014

Suicide Bomb Trainer In Iraq Accidentally Blows Up Class

This story sounds like a fairly tale but it actually happened at a training camp in northern Baghdad yesterday.
Iraqi Army and police officials announced that a terrorist leader representing the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (this is a splinter group that has evolved from Al Qaeda) unwittingly used live explosives when demonstrating to a class of 21 how exactly to go about being a suicide bomber, and unfortunately when he pulled the cord or pressed the button or however they do these things, he actually ended up blowing up everyone in his class.
In addition to this, a further 15 militants were injured and 8 were arrested when the authorities swooped on the camp to check out the explosion. Further explosives and heavy weapons were seized too, which is good news for everyone except the terrorists, especially during the current situation in Iraq.
Suicide bombings and general violence in Iraq is the worst it has ever been for five years, with 1000 people being killed last month and 9000 killed in the last year. There were also 50 suicide bomb attacks in November, compared with 3 the year previous.
It isn’t looking good over there, and as such Iraqi citizens that aren’t insurgents have really enjoyed this news – many of them are laughing and joking about it. They’re so accustomed to suicide bomb attacks in their everyday lives now – on churches, funerals, public markets and even children’s football matches – that they’re pretty stoked to see terrorist groups mess up and get their just desserts.

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