Monday, July 22, 2019

One World Currency

A fortnight ago, the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government finally adopted ECO as the name of the single currency to be issued in the region in January 2020. 

Those who are ready among the 15-member countries are to take off with it immediately in January.

I'm not an economist, a financial expert or a forex trader, but I can confidently predict that the currency of the future will neither be dollars, pounds, Euro nor the competing Chinese Yuan.

The currency of the future will be decided by the government of the future which will be headed by one man, otherwise known as the One World Government. It will be a digital currency and the society will be a cashless one.

But these things are still in the distant future....

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In those days, various regional governments will tend to unify their currencies in order to boost economy and improve cross border trade, just like the European Union did with EURO.

Before the total unification of the currencies, the currency will be digitalized. Just as we are seeing in most developed countries. Benefits of improved technology. 

And before the currency is digitalized, there will be a total harmonization of all the number digits we are being identified with. 

For example, the Nigerian government is currently trying to harmonize the National ID card number, the international passport and driving license numbers into one single number linked with our bank account number for easy profiling.

And remember that our various bank accounts have been linked together through BVN too. These are for smooth running of governance, and no ill  is intended. Don't you think so?

In those days, the immigration too will be unified and various immigration laws will be lessened and countries will obey the current UN policy on refugees and asylum seekers - as we had in the days of Obama, a fine globalist, before this 'stubborn' Trump came in (Smiles).

Once you get the citizenship via this UN policy or a unified immigration, you will be issued with a unified passport that will make you a World Citizen - able to enter any country of your choice under the UN membership. 

And remember that your unified passport has your number which has been harmonized into one single Identity you are profiled with and linked to your bank accounts. With this it's easier to retrieved your data anywhere in the world by just a single click.

What an easy world. Just like the internet. Don't you think so?

Every thing concerning you is in that single number. The number appears on your credit cards too.

Now after frequent losses of these cards and travel documents, an idea will come from policy makers, scientists,  Nanotechnologists, Bioengineers - that since these documents have the same number of identification, why not find a permanent solution and do away with them.

It is in view of this that an introduction of  BioChips, containing the same numbers,  will be a technological breakthrough and financial revolution.

When implanted on your forehead, an improved AI machines at the airports will just scan you and recognize your number and allow you to board.

When implanted in your finger, you just need to touch the receptor/sensor of the ATM or any other smart machine and it will recognize your number and allow you to perform your digital transactions.

It is at this juncture that no one could buy or sell unless he has the Chip which contains your number and subtly encoded with the number of the beast (Rev:13:17).

Chike Nnamani is a writer and public affairs analyst.


  1. Wow.....😭😭 Christ is coming soon

  2. Yes. We pray for the grace to abide in Him always.

  3. Oh Lord I pray for your mercy to be pertaker of the rapture of the saints.Amen
