Friday, August 16, 2019


By Chike Nnamani

The word 'Karma' means a lot of things to a lot of people. Some believe in it; some don't believe in it. Some believe it's a natural law of justice, while others believe it's just a mere happenstance.

Many more refer to it as "Okwu nkasi obi" (A soothing or placating word) for the oppressed, especially from the intellectual school of thoughts like my atheist and agnostic friends.

Now the word Karma which means 'Cause and Effect', was first professed by religious groups such as Buddhists, Hindus and, later, Christians.

But I will like to take a look at it from a NATURAL perspective as a scientist, a natural scientist.

Karma and the 'law of whatever goes around, comes around': 

In physics we were taught that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves on its orbit. The rotation gives us day and night by returning to its starting point after every 24hrs. The revolving too, gives us one calendar year by returning to its original point after every 365 or 366 days. This is natural, and has operated like this for centuries without alteration.

Newton's Law of Motion:

Newton's 3rd Law of motion states that, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Whatever you causes to do in nature must bring you back the result in an equal measure. Life is just an echo, you get back the sound you send forth.

Agricultural laws of cultivation:

We have often being told that 'whatever you sow, you will reap.' This is a natural truth. If you plant cassava, you will reap cassava during your harvest. And, if you plant yam; you will definitely reap yam during your harvest. All these are natural laws of harvest.

In short, "As far as the earth remains, the seed time and harvest time remains." All these things are programmed for in the universe by 'Nature.'

The Problem.

The problem is that the gestation or maturation period of retribution varies from one individual to another. To some, it may occur immediately, but to others it may occur years later - in their 2nd or even 3rd  generation. 

It is not our responsibility to dictate to nature, when she should pay back an offender. But definitely she will pay back, especially if the victim is innocent.

This 'cause and effect' is one of the reasons I believe in the concept of giving (a topic for another day) irrespective of your religious belief - even if you are an atheist. 

Forget the abuse of it by churches and scammers. Giving has NOTHING to do with religion, it is purely a natural thing that obeys a natural law at its own time.

So, despite the overwhelming evil in our society today, try and do good to people and expect a return tomorrow.

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